Saturday, May 12, 2007

Ok heres the good and bad news!

k my nieghbor just died she fell and broke a couple of ribs. her son is a teacher in our school and i see him and he is really depressed. i feel so BAD. but on the bright side this wensday im going to lagoon!!!!!!!! (a amusment park) it is going to be so fun but the best part is i get to go with all friends. i am trying to go on the 50 or higher foot ride. its called the rocket i know i will be able to but if my friends chicken out i may not. yesturday night i went and saw spidy 3 it id sooooooo good you guys need to watch it. i went with our cousin breea and my friend taylor. i was sitting next to the 2 most blonde people i know. shawn and select is over right now playing settlers. one of the most scariest thoughts to me is tommorow will be the last day i see my mom in 6 weeks. not looking forward to that. i gave my mom pretty pink flowers for mothers day. i hope she likes them. well thats all for know if your on talk to me!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Family dinner on Mother's day

Just a reminder about our monthly family dinner next Sunday (2nd Sunday of the month now). Meet at my house sometime between 4:30-5:00. It's potluck. See ya there!

Growing up is really really scary!

You know how when you always think "I can't wait to grow up!" well pace yourself, it comes at you quickly! I have been getting all my graduation announcements together and thinking "Oh my goodness, I am moving out soon.." I am excited but extremely scared..I have to take care of myself now, no more mommy and daddy. I have to pay for everything, gas, food, clothes, makeup, doctors appointments, and soon even my medicine! So before you guys snap at your parents and say "That's not fair!", or "Why can't I have that?!" be greatful that they are taking care of you and buying you things you need to live or just for plain fun. Trust me you will see all that they have done for you and realize how lucky you were to have such amazing parents! So use your time with your guardians wisely, make the most of it! Also make more time for your siblings, I know I know, they are complete monsters, but seriously you will miss them when you go off to college or move out! So become friends with them, I'm not saying get along with them 24/7 cause I know thats impossible but try to get along as much as you posssibly can. Enjoy being a kid, life will come at you fast!


So I think I have started to figure this web site out. Everything is goin great in our little corner of the world. Greg was called last week to Elders Quorum president. He is now in meetings all day on Sunday. For those of you whom this applies to, Ed Clayson is now Greg's responsibility! I am just working with dad during the day and still doing great with my Mary Kay business. I now have a pretty good sized team and am shooting for earning my first car in 3 months. Jess and nicole will both be going into Junior High next year. They are merging the middle school and putting one grade back into Elementary and the other into Junior High and getting rid of Middle Shcool all together. This is the reason why they are both going in the same year. It is kind of unique when you think about it. Greg is also still waiting to get on with the Salt Lake City fire department. He is hoping that it will happen some time late this summer or early fall. He is currently doing all of his back ground checks and lie detector test for Utah County Dipatch. He should be starting that job here in the next couple of weeks. He is a busy busy man right now. Well that's all for now.