Here's a picture I took today. It's of our cat Cosette. Many days when I get in the car she is sitting on the hood. Today I was actually driving away and she stayed there as calm as could be, occasionally glancing at me as if nothing in the world was going on around her. I got almost all of the way out of the driveway before she decided to casually hop of the car. I wondered if she was going into town with us while she felt the breeze going past her ears. Silly cat!!This post was done by taking a picture with my cell phone and sending it to the flickr email address (like a text or picture message to an email address). I did decide to get online when I was at home and add this text, but you can just add the text right in your cell phone like a text message.Try it out!!!! Send us a picture or text message of your family or furry creatures (NO, not the ones growing in your fridge!). The address you text to is: Taken from inside my car